For lectures on how to use VNMR click here.

On Sun/Solaris-based systems, both versions, VNMR 6.1C and VNMRJ 2.1B, coexist nicely, i.e. the user has the choice which program to use.
On Linux-based equipment only VNMRJ is available
(Varian no longer supports VNMR).

For instructions on how to use the system click on the link under "suggested usage instructions". Please note that these are not spectrometer-specific,
i.e. no need to look at all of them. There are 2 versions only: VNMR and VNMRJ.

The following Table summarizes the situation as of 2010-01-15.

data stations
available software expected change to VNMRJ only suggested usage
i300 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
i400 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
m400 robot interface --- robot how-to
s400 VNMR and VNMRJ 2010 VNMRJ
u500 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
ibd5 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
i600 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
v700 VNMRJ only --- VNMRJ
d500 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
ibdw VNMRJ only done VNMRJ
d601 VNMRJ only done VNMRJ

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