More 800 vs. 600 MHz comparisons

Expansion of the four alpha-anomeric protons. This region is the least problematic for spectral overlaps and hence the increased field strength is not critical for a successful analysis in this region.

penta-8+600_anomerics.jpg (82448 bytes)

The most problematic region of a carbohydrate spectrum where all but the anomeric protons and so-called structure reporter groups are typically severely overlapping. In the region shown here (only ca. 0.7 ppm), there are 26 non-equivalent protons!

penta-8+600_ring.jpg (116923 bytes)

GCOSY shown with the same Hz/mm scale in both dimensions. Shown is the same region as above plus the beta-anomeric proton at 4.37 ppm.

penta-8+600_gcosy.jpg (66066 bytes)

Acknowledgement: Dr. Stephane Gagné at NANUC for recording the spectra.

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