Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta        December  2007
NMR News 2007-04
News and tips from the NMR support group for users of the Varian NMR systems in the Department

Update 2022 - obsolete information removed.

Other content of this NMR News is no longer meaningful and has been removed May 2010.



new form for sample submission


FAQ 2007.04-1: zero NOE - how is that possible ?


New form for sample submission
The form that is used to submit NMR samples to the NMR service labs has been changed to reflect recent changes. Please only use the new version when submitting samples. Like the old version, the new form allows you to fill in some fields with Adobe Acrobat Reader. This free program does not allow to save the changes, but once you have your name, lab and phone number, research director entered you can print out the form, photocopy it and save yourself the trouble to always fill in the same information. The fields that allow entering information are shaded in light grey. If you have the Adobe Acrobat Writer (not free), you can save the form with the entered information.

FAQ 2007.04-1: zero NOE - how is that possible?  

From the Carlsberg Research Center, Valby, Denmark
(with explicit permission by the authors Bent O. Peterson and Jens Ø. Duus)

Almost every NMR user knows that the Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) depends on the inverse 6th power of the distance between protons.

Far less known is the fact that, irrespective of distance, the NOE can be zero if certain conditions are met. This subject has been discussed as FAQ 98.08-1
: NOESY, ROESY and TROESY: what is the difference?

In the Figure on the left a different approach to the same problem is presented. For a more detailed discussion, click on the image for a PDF file with explanations and a better quality graph.

(*) Financing of the new equipment by the Alberta Ingenuity Center for Carbohydrate Science is gratefully acknowledged.

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